Wednesday, December 17, 2008

today was a great day @ casa johnson

after sleeping in this morning, and then running around all afternoon, we ended up having a great day here on cherry street. Nate did well in school. Ian and Keagan were so well behaved while I was on Lunch Lady duty ... which was quite fun! Ian made friends with the other lunch ladies and played with one of his own ladies, rachel. Keagan sat on the lap of a random kindergartener during story time, and only got called a girl twice. Not a bad day.
I made a real proper dinner tonight - not a chicken nugget in sight, and i made cupcakes for Ian to take to school tomorrow. He is snack boy, and asked me to make cupcakes, so i did. He should know better by now, that as much as mommy thinks she is cool and crafty and a whiz in the kitchen, she used up most of her braincells not studying in college, and now is just a forgetful dumbass. i say this because Ian saw this cake mix in target, the one with the confetti in the cake mix, and then you buy the confetti frosting to go with it with the xmas shapes to sprinkle on top, and that's what we bought to make cupcakes.
I forgot to buy the icing.
so i made the cupcakes knowing that after dinner i have to run back to target, which is literally 90 seconds away, to get the icing.
Target has icing, but they only have strawberry or german chocolate. clearly, neither of these will work. So, i go to walmart to find the special confetti icing. I find icing but it has no confetti. Oh well, I'll take it, it's vanilla. Oh look, yo gabba gabba PJ's for keagan! (ADHD kicking in!) I will also take the pajamas, the sugar gingerbread man decos for the cupcakes (as we have no confetti), and that big bag of peppermint bark (ghiardellis ... yumm).
How would I like to pay for that ...? great question.
My wallet is at home. That's ok, ive got it covered. Let me just run to my car.
Since we frequently visit the ER for stitches, I keep things in my car like protein bars, bottled water, paperback book, ipod, and rolls of quarters. Why rolls of quarters you say ... well everything in the vendy at the ER is like $2.25 so if you are going to be there for 4 or 5 hours , it could cost you $40 bucks. and since there is not 1 person in the whole place that can make change for a 5, you'd better have some quarters if you are going to the ER in Evansville.
You may be laughing at me about the quarters just like Mr. Pierce Tattoo walmart checkout dude was, but I will tell you this ... I bought $27 worth of merchandise at walmart this evening with free money! Yay me!
When i arrived home from scavenging walmart, i was preparing to ice the cupcakes, and i found a small silver package on the counter. "what's this?" i wondered.
we apparrently aren't having confetti cake either. silver mystery packet still contains confetti (aka sprinkles) and already baked cupcakes do not!
that's ok. I simply whipped up some pink peppermint flavored icing, iced those bad boys right up, threw on some confetti and a gingerbread man and called it done!
to summarize ... got up late on purpose, rolled in to school @ 945 (awesome) served lunch (fun) ran errands, kids rested for 1.5 hours (unheard of), made dinner (actually edible), bought free stuff at walmart, rocked some cupcakes, and will be asleep by 12:30 am. great day!
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