today, i actually cooked dinner from scratch. nothing out of a box - a real true casserole that everyone enjoyed. After a late-ish evening with Nate at school, Keagan woke up and didn't want to go back to sleep. Ian had already been moved from our be to his so mark and nate could go to sleep together in our bed. to @ midnight, i scooped nate to his bed and popped keagan in our bed with us and he went right to sleep. Then @ 630, the big boys came in and it was green light time.
Everyone to school ASAP, to the grocery, drop keagan off at school, put groceries away, pick up ian, go get him a red shirt for his xmas program, pick up keagan, fix lunch, and finally ... take a nap. Boy, it was a good one! I put keagan down and ian and i got into bed and he went right to sleep and so did i! Grammy helped me out by picking up nathan and keeping him until she came over for dinner! Awesome.
Dinner was great and not really late, which was nice, and now I am blogging while mark does the dishes and grammy is making lego ships with the kiddos.
we are hoping to have kiddos in bed by 8, even though ian napped until 5 pm!
now grammy is taking ian downstairs to poop - he has a 'wiggly turkey', which means he needs to go. We call it turkey, because a long time ago, he was trying to say 'toushey' but he said turkey instead!
so, i started to pick up from dinner, and super-hubby said, "no, I'll do it. You cooked, I'll clean."
i better make sure he has clean socks and gym clothes for tomorrow. After all, he did more than the dishes!
Say the things no one else will ever dare.
This is the first full, five-day work week I've had in a while, which
wouldn't be too bad except for the massive roof prioritisation deadline I
have coming...
12 years ago
Hello. my name is bev and I'm a faceaholic, and I have decided that reading your blog is cheaper and as effective as therapy. Boy howdy, do I relate to the logisitics of kids, food, house, naps, and yes .....even poop. That's why all women are constipated. But if you drink vinegar....NO PROBLEM.